valentines day (rc)

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You had always loved Valentine's Day, ever since you were a little kid. No matter if you had a boyfriend or not you loved to show your family and friends how much you loved them.

Rafe was stressing, he knew you loved the holiday and wanted to make sure it was extra special. Truth was, Rafe had been in love with you since elementary school. He would always tease you, as little boys with crushes do.

Now that he was finally dating you, he still can't believe he got the girl of his dreams. Now he wanted to show you how much he truly loved you. He had everything planned perfectly, but he still didn't know what to get you.

You weren't materialistic by any means but growing up that's what he thought love was. Until he met you, he never received a gift that actually had true meaning. He was determined to give you something meaningful.

Instead of making a reservation at some fancy restaurant, he decided to do a picnic on the beach. He ordered your favorite food and bought chocolate covered strawberries from one of your favorite bakeries on the mainland.

He was currently rummaging through his closets for something for y'all to lay on at the beach. He remembered having a big beach towel but hadn't seen it in a while. As he grabbed for the top shelf, a box came tumbling down hitting him on the head.

"Shit." He cursed under his breath, rubbing the spot that made contact. He looked down to see an old shoebox. He knew exactly what is what, and he now knew exactly what he was giving you for valentines day.

You swiped on a quick coat of lipgloss before looking over your outfit in the mirror. Rafe gave you minor details but said you would want to be somewhat comfortable. You decided on a pair of jeans, a cute red top, and your plain white platform shoes.

Rafe: here my love

You giddily smiled at the text as you grabbed your purse. "Hey pretty girl." Rafe was leaning against his truck, legs crossed at the ankles, holding a bouquet of roses. You smiled and wrapped him up in a hug.

"Thank you, these are beautiful." He kissed you while mumbling compliments about how nice you looked. "So where are we going?" He opened the passenger door helping you in, "You'll see." He winked and jogged to the other side of the car.

When you pulled up to the beach you gave him a questioning look, which was only returned with a cheeky smile. With your hands intertwined you started walking along the sand. The weather was perfect, a nice breeze keeping you cool.

You could see the beach blanket and the spread on it as you got closer. He just watched as your eyes lit up at the sight. He had fairy lights around the edge of the blanket, along with food and a bottle of champagne in a bucket of ice.

You whipped your head to find him already looking at you. "Rafe, this is beautiful." He placed a slow kiss to your lips, before tugging you down to sit. He popped the champagne and made a mushy toast. "To us, my girl."

You were overwhelmed with how perfect he had made this date. "Okay, I wanna give you your git." He smirked, grabbing the box placed a few feet away. "You didn't have to do get me a gift too baby this is already enough."

He shook his head cutting you off by placing the box in front of your legs. "Open it princess." He smiled excitedly. You removed the lid and saw an array of pinks and reds. It took you a moment to notice what they were.

You first noticed the princess valentines card you gave out in elementary school, the one's with a piece of candy attached to them. "Are these..." You gasped as you put the pieces together. "Every valentine card you've ever given me."

You looked up at him with your jaw hung open, tears pricking at your eyes. They were placed neatly in a glass box with white borders, along with a recent picture of the two of you in the middle.

There were the ones from elementary with your poor handwriting all the way up until now, your red inked small cards you gave to all of your friends. "You've always been my valentine, you always will be."

A tear fell down your cheek and you jumped into his chest, causing him to fall back. You laid on top of his chest as he laughed and rubbed your back. "So you like it?" He joked poking your side. "Are you kidding this is beautiful Rafe."

You pulled back and dabbed under your eyes, careful not to mess up your mascara. "Well now my gift is lame." You laughed shrugging your shoulders. He kissed you and smiled against your lips. "I love you y/n." He whispered, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. "I love you more."

a/n: happy Valentine's Day my loves <3
Not my best but enjoy short and sappy!!
Drew next :)

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