Midsummers (rc)

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It all happened so fast, one minute you were kook royalty and the next you were knocked down the social pole. Your dads supposed business partner had betrayed him, taking all of the money and leaving your family with none.

Going to school in the following weeks was humiliating, the stares you received truly hurt. All of your 'friends' had ditched you, they couldn't be seen with you. You couldn't wait for summer just so you wouldn't have to see your classmates.

You moved to the cut and started working with Pope at his dads restaurant to help your family. They didn't want you to feel like you had to get a job, but you were happy to do it. It gave you an excuse to leave the house and not wallow in self pity.

The only friend you didn't loose was Sarah Cameron. Sarah wasn't concerned about kook versus pogues and she was actually friends with a group of them that included Pope. You and Sarah became a lot closer as you hung around more.

You were extremely grateful to have such an amazing group of people in your corner. "I'm so excited for Midsummers, I'm gonna ask John b to be my date!" Sarah smiled as you set her food down in front of her.

"Woah it's already time?" You had forgotten about the event even though you had been attending since you were little. There was too much going on, it had slipped your mind.

"Who are you gonna take? My brother?" Sarah asked while eating french fries. You looked at her with a quirked eyebrow, as if you weren't sure if she was joking. "What?" Sarah mimicked your confused expression.

"I can't go Sarah, my mom- she had to sell my dress." You sighed and slumped your shoulders as you spoke. Sarahs lips parted and her body froze. "Shit y/n I'm sorry I wasn't thinking I just thought-"

You rose your hand to stop her speaking. "No don't worry, it's okay." You smiled warmly at her. She nodded but clearly still felt bad. You and Rafe were close before everything happened, but then he became distant.

You assumed it was just another person refusing to be seen with you because of your family. Sarah had noticed the dwindling of the friendship but was hoping things would turn around

"Maybe you can wear an old dress of mine? You know I don't care!" You were touched by her trying to make you feel better. "It's fine I think I'm gonna do catering with Hayward anyways." You busied yourself with another order so you could exit the conversation. Sarah bit at her lip in thought.

When she got home she immediately went to Rafes room. She pushed the door open without knocking, "Um hello? Ever heard of knocking? What if I was naked?" He said looking up from his phone.

Sarah rolled her eyes. "Good thing you're not." He scoffed but placed his phone down to listen to what she had to say. "Why are you avoiding y/n?" His stomach dropped and he felt his body grow warm.

"What do you mean?" He feigned innocence. Just the thought of you had his heart racing. "I thought you wanted to take her to Midsummers and now I'm finding out that she's not even going?"

Sarah had her arms crossed against her chest and Rafe actually felt himself cowering under the stare. "It's not a big deal Sarah." He shrugged his shoulders and stood to go downstairs, Sarah followed him.

She jogged down the stairs. "She lost everything Rafe, she probably never thought she'd loose you." Rafe stopped his feet and looked over his shoulder at Sarah. She glared at him before abruptly turning around and leaving him there.

Once snapping out of it Rafe went back upstairs and made some phone calls. He would never admit his little sister was right but that was the push he needed. He had been so caught up in what his friends would think of him.

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