business strategy (rc)

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WARNINGS: implications of sex, teeny underage drinking moment, cursing, Ward being an asshole :)

Rafe jogged down the stairs smoothing his hair back as he placed his hat on his head. He was meeting the boys for golf at the island club like every other Saturday.

"Rafe? Come here son." As he was about to open the front door he heard his fathers voice. With a deep inhale he turned on his heel towards the office.

"Yes sir?" He sat in the chair on the other side of the desk. "I need you to do something for me." Rafe raised his eyebrow intrigued, glad his father finally was trusting him with something.

"You know the y/l/n's yes?" Ward intertwined his hands placing them on the desk. Rafe nodded thinking of you and your parents. "Yeah I've met them a few times I think."

Ward nods looking deep in thought, eyes narrowed in front of him. "Mr. y/l/n is trying to take one of the projects from our development." Rafe furrowed his eyebrows wondering how he was going to help.

"I was hoping you could talk to their daughter and maybe get some information." Rafe knew you but not very well, he'd seen you out a few times but you didn't really run in the same circles. "How am I supposed to do that?"

"I don't care just take her on a date, get to know her. Get close to her and her family." Rafe rubbed his palms up and down his khaki shorts. "Uh okay yeah I can do that."

Ward smiled clapping his hands together. "Perfect, don't let me down son." Rafe nodded with a tight-lipped smile before leaving the office.

Ward was a great businessman but a ruthless one, lucky for him Rafe wanted to prove that he was good enough no matter what.

Once getting to their tee time Rafe figured he'd elicit some help from the guys. "Do y'all know y/n y/l/n?" He asked hopping out of the golf cart. Topper thought for a second, "oh yeah I think she was in my algebra class, stupid smart."

"She's hot." Kelce shrugged making Rafe raise his eyebrows. "What? It's true." Kelce walked forward as Topper and Rafe shared a laugh.

"Why?" Topper questioned. Rafe figured the boys would understand since they know Ward so he told them about the plan.

Topper pursed his lips nodding up and down. "She'll probably be at my party tonight. I've seen her come with some of the girls." Rafe smirked, happy the opportunity was falling into his lap.

"Alright ladies come on." You laughed ushering your friends into the car. You were designated driver tonight and the others managed to already get tipsy at the pregame.

There were already plenty of cars in Topper's driveway so you parked on the street just a few feet away. You grabbed the girls hands making sure they all get inside.

You headed to the kitchen watching as your friends fought over seltzer flavors. You filled a solo cup with water to avoid people trying to get you a drink.

You mingled around with the girls, saying hi to your other classmates. You made your way outside for some air. There were only a few people outside and you walked toward the lit up pool.

Slipping your shoes off you sat and put your legs in, swaying them back and forth. You looked up at the stars squinting your eyes to find them. "Hey y/n." You looked up to the right to see Rafe Cameron standing over you.

"Oh hi Rafe." You didn't know him very well but you were very skeptical of his character. He didn't exactly have a great reputation.

Looking down at you now Rafe realized how beautiful you were. The few lights illuminating the backyard hit your eyes in a way that made them vibrant. "Can I join you?" You just smiled and nodded watching as he stepped out of his shoes before sitting.

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