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021 | jealousy


━━ Her fingers softly running through his locks of soft hair as they all recovered from the mayhem of the hour beforehand.

The sound of the music from radio was harmonised by the rumbling of everyone's stomachs. They had all been so swept off their feet today that it went almost unnoticed that any of them had barely eaten more than two hundred calories (combined).

It was Kiara's idea to hit up her dad's restaurant, although a small part of her hoped it would be so busy and swamped that her dad would have to turn away his daughter and her friends for free food and somehow she and Renee would be roped into doing a shift.

the van pulled up to the vacant car park. The beam of the street lights hit JJ's face as he groaned waking up from his half-asleep nap.

" we're here," Renee spoke softly, finally letting go of his hair whilst he sat himself up and rubbed his eyes.

" oh god, stealing drones doesn't half make you hungry." Renee said, hovering towards the van door as she used her arm to pull it open.

" what I'd do to a beer, shrimp and grits right now." JJ moaned. Keeping his hands on the girl's body as she dragged both of them out of the van behind Pope.

" it would not be pretty," Pope spoke in almost a hint of disgust at the pure thought of JJ's insatiable hunger. Earning amused laughter from Renee who still was holding jjs hands that sat on her waist.

The five of them made their way up to the front of the restaurant. Kiara's face dropping as her dad counted the minimal amount of cash that he had profited that night. Despite the door still opened as the five of them ushered themselves in.

Renee noticed the boys b-line for a free table and Kiara head over to her dad. She turned her head to JJ who grinned at her like small child.

" can you go and get us a seat." JJ groaned at the idea, earning a small amount of quiet laughter from the girl who ruffled his hair with her fingers.

" pretty please?" she continued, to which he rolled his eyes caving into her. Once again.

" don't be long okay?" he slid his arms off of her waist and wandered over to his two friends, although he looked displaced without Renee nearby — like a lost puppy of sorts.

Renee set her eyes on the two Carrera's who when she approached seemed to be in the midst of Kiara persuading to her dad to let her and her friends stay.

" look at them, their greedy pelicans." he told his daughter who rolled her eyes whilst he continued with his parental lecture, " I thought I told you stay away from these guys?"

Kiara sighed, " well everybody at the kook academy hates me, dad." her voice breaking slightly as she did so.

Renee looped her arms around Kiara's neck, nuzzling her chin in the crook of her shoulder,
" all except one, the best one I like to think." Renee spoke in a sarcastic honour of herself earning a small chuckle from Kie.

She moved herself to stand next to her best friend, smiling softly at her best friends dad.

" good to see you Mr C." it was only a few moments before he brought Renee into a hug. To which she gladly accepted like always.

" finally, the only one of Kiara's friends I like." he mumbled lowly, hoping none of the boys heard which was successful since they didn't.

" dad." Kiara warned, obviously not liking the words he used against the rest of their group.

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