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047 | nobody puts pope in a corner


━━ On what she had been up to during the entirety of this summer, starting from finding scooter Grubbs boat to the continued unfolding events of yesterday. Renee parked up her car outside of the Heyward house.

Guilt had been consuming her since she was finally given time  to register the argument she and Pope had on the boat when emotions weren't heightened and she wasn't as worried about John B now knowing he was at the chateau with JJ and now Kiara who arrived a few minutes after he had— she realised how much of an ass  she was to pope and especially how bad of friend she was.

Renee stepped up the staircase that lead to the front door of the Heyward house , raising her closed fists before hitting her knuckles on the door. It was only a few seconds she was awkwardly stood there before the door opened revealing Mrs Heyward, who already a big smile carved on her lips as she seemed slightly stunned to see the girl.

" Renee sweetheart, what a surprise!" her tone warming " I didn't realise you were coming over this morning?"

The blonde shook her head, pushing some hair behind her ear " Hey Mrs H, sorry if I'm intruding I just wanted to come and wish Pope luck before the interview." her nervousness making her ramble,

" you know, not-not like he'll need it, he's like the smartest person I know." Pope's mom found some amusement in Renee's slight panic as she stood aside, letting Renee view the inside of the house more clearly,

" he's in his room, he's a bit stressed I'm sure he'll happy to see a familiar face." Renee nodded and thanked the woman before b-lining towards the hallway where pope's room sat at the end of. There was a lot of shuffling and pacing footsteps coming from the opposite side of the doorway.

Taking a deep breath, she raised her fist again and knocked at the closed door — the noise halting at a sudden. When the door opened, Renee smiled at Pope who wasn't expecting the blonde girl to be standing in his hallway — he looked nice, a navy blue suit set sat on his figure that matched with a tie and his black polished shoes that if Renee looked hard enough, could have probably seen her reflection in.

" oh, what are you doing here?" he asked, leaning into the doorway — although it wasn't the warmest of welcomes, it was expected especially after last night.

" I wanted to talk to you," she told him,

Pope looked up, noticing his parents lingering eyes who were not so slyly listening in on their conversation.

" just come in." Pope stepped aside, letting Renee shuffle in and soon heard the door close behind her.

" so is this you wishing me luck for my forensic pathology bullshit?" he remarked, quoting her phrase from yesterday— Renee shook her head as she let out a breath.

"I'm so sorry about how I was last night, I was a terrible friend and such a bitch." she apologised, pope nodded agreeing with her statement.

" yeah, you were." he said, Renee reached out and placed her hand on his arm that was covered by the suit jacket,

" I'm also really really sorry."

" you're my best friend and you didn't deserve how I treated you."

Pope could see the genuineness that she spoke in, it wasn't like she was apologising for convenience — she had drove to the opposite side of the cut to apologise and wish him luck for his interview, which was more than any other of his friends had done.

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