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049 | bonnie and clyde baby


━━ A tiny fragment of Renee's mind couldn't fathom it believable — not because she thought he wasn't capable of murder (because she knew after everything that he was) but she had known Rafe Cameron the entirety of her life.

They would ride their bikes together around figure eight as kids, Spend summers practically conjoined to the hip from the closeness between them, Rafe used to take care of Renee — they were friends, and for a brief moment a summer ago they were more than that, for an even briefer moment she contemplated the thought of  being in love with him. Well this was all back when he was a seemingly nice person — now, the idea of being in love with Rafe Cameron felt like the cruelest of curses.

Managing to sneak John B back to the chateau to collect Renee's car — they had spent the rest of the day in incognito mode. Talking about what their next steps were in getting Rafe's maniac ass in a jail cell.

Renee and Kiara knew that the news of Peterkin's death had spread around the town when her parents began to call and text their children — looking for a whereabouts and more precisely if they were anywhere near John B, Renee resorted to turning her phone off and placing it in the small pocket in the side of the door.

Renee drove towards the police station — on JohnB's command, not knowing what to he was planning to do.

" John B, what are we doing at the police station?" JJ asked, leaning his head forward as he was forced to sit in the back of the car due to the lack of seats.

" somebody's gotta tell them what happened." John B spoke through the remainder of his sobs, Renee turned the key as she finally pulled up — her headlights dimming as she turned around and looked at the others.

Pope was on his third or fourth dosage of weed, either from JJ's juul or a rolled blunt had been coughing since he had started smoking hours ago.

" easy there chief." JJ patted the boy on his shoulder, Renee looking at Kiara who sat in the passenger seat.

Diverting his attention to John B who was still quiet " all right, I'm just gonna be real with you right now," John B kept his eyes planted firmly on the ground although JJ continued,

" you might end up in the lions den but you don't go there on purpose." He told him " it's fundamental, it's just like my dad told me you should never trust cops no matter what the circumstance is."

Kiara rolled her eyes at his sudden respect for his dad " your old man's an abusive liar."

" Kie!" Renee scolded, earning a careless shrug of her friends shoulders who was still moping about something.

" I agree with JJ." Pope declared " fuck the police."

" what you going to the dark side now?" Kiara questioned, obviously mocking Pope.

" when was the last time the police helped us?" He retaliated, Renee pushed her head against the back of her seat, growing tedious of all the squabbling between them all.

" peterkin looked out for me alright?" John B announced " tried to at least!"

" they need to know."

Renee turned her head as she watched John B get out of the car — " just be careful, please?" she asked of him, he nodded and closed the door descending into the station.

Nobody spoke to one another. All of them not knowing what to say to one another — Renee spent the time John B was in the station still pondering on how drastically Rafe had changed in the last few years, somehow she still couldn't believe that he was capable of killing someone.

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