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050 | my moms gonna kill me


━━Renee grumbled, she was still half asleep with her head rested on JJ's chest. Squeezing her eyes tighter closed and pulling the sheer blanket that was stuffed in her trunk to poorly block the sun from her eyes.

They had chose to park up by an abandoned house in the cut — everyone tired and stressed that a night of some kind of rest was needed.

" morning." JJ murmured, using his fingers to gently run through her hair as she hummed still not ready to wake up to the harsh world that was surrounding her.

" what time is it?" Renee sighed, bringing one of her hands to rub her eyes as she slowly began to open them.

" no idea...all of our phones are dead." Kiara told her, Renee nodded and decided it was time to finally get up, although it was hard when her boyfriend was still in a lying down position.

" can we turn the radio please, this silence is killing me." Kiara reached out, turning on the stereo that automatically connected to the local radio station before slouching back in her seat.

Although the broadcaster announcing that the power may be back in the entirety of the town wasn't exactly something that was making the pogues jump up and down with excitement — it was something to focus the future on, never mind how minuscule and insignificant it felt like at the current moment.

The sound of sirens blaring distilled a paranoia as well as fear in Renee, who grabbed JJ's hat from the floor of her car and placed it ontop of her own head before peering up to look out of the back window — breathing heavily as an array of cop cars drove past them.

" and still no arrest in the shooting death of Sheriff Susan Peterkin." the broadcaster announced, a heaviness hitting the chest of each member of the car , who just looked around at eachother.

" the state police have issued a statement regarding a local person of interest, a juvenile from—" Kiara pushed the same button, turning the radio off, a small amount of silence washing over them before JJ began to speak.

" let's game this out." John B turned his head to look at his friend although he didn't say anything,

" maybe you guys can help being the smart ones and all, but....who are the cops going to believe?" he asked, already it quite clear what the answer was considering who was being accused and who was back at tanny hill playing innocent.

" Ward Cameron or us?"

" so the accuser is a big shot developer, kind of a lord of the island got the governor on speed dial kind of person." he rambled, obviously anxious about the entire situation which someone would have to be an idiot not to.

" And the accused." he paused slightly " is John B who is pretty much a homeless sixteen year old boy at the moment."

" thanks." John B's voice was grainy and rough, Renee shook her head not believing that they were just doomed like JJ was making it sound like.

" listen, Yucatan alright." he looked at him with a confidence in his words " I'm saying that's the only option, what other option do you have?"

" JJ enough with the Mexico bullshit!" John B told him " alright, Sarah's gonna bail me out."

JJ looked away, Renee could sense his tension — moving her hand to rub up and down his arm hoping it would calm him down,

" I mean, she did witness the entire thing." Kiara added, JJ pulled out a rolled blunt and stuck it between his fingers, lighting in and closing his eyes whilst Pope counter-argued with their plan.

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