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042 | do I look Swiss to you?


━━ The only thing that could wash all the grime off of Renee the next morning was a shower — it was too late for her to go home last night and she especially was too intoxicated to take herself there, never mind any of her friends who too were also drunk. Luckily having left clothes behind from her period of time
roomie-ing with John B so that she didn't have to wear all suffer wearing her black clothes from last night in the blazing sun.

Renee arched her back as the cold water ran down her spine — finding refreshment in the ice temperature of the shower and not just because it was her only choice since John B hadn't paid his heating bill that month.

Everything seemed different that morning, first and foremost because one hundred and forty thousand dollars worth of gold was currently in her shared possession. All the shit that they'd been through was finally resolving to something.

She was given a simple good night kiss from JohnB's bed where they were sleeping as John B and Sarah were still expected back at Tanny Hill that night — and JJ simply flipped over and slept. No cuddling or playing with her hair when he had woken up and instead when she woke up that morning , he was just gone.

The ice cold shower gave her the brain stimulation to think about everything, and she had no idea what had gotten into JJ in the last few days. He wasn't the same, he was different — cold, distant, He just wasn't himself.

Stepping out of the shower, changing into her outfit and exiting into the kitchen stroke living room she was greeted with the now lukewarm coffee that Pope had made her with the intentions of her shower lasting ten minutes and not the thirty that it actually did.

Taking ahold of the coffee cup by wrapping her palms around it and stepping onto the front porch to the sight of Kiara and JJ hovered around the small makeshift table for melting the gold in one of the few saucepans John B hadn't ruined since his newly forced independence.

She exhaled as the sun radiated instantly warming the areas of her exposed skin from the crop top she was wearing — relishing in the vitamin D that soaked into her tanned skin for a few moments that contained peace and quiet. Although it didn't last long, it never did.

" morning Ren!" Sarah broke the tranquility of the morning peace — Renee looked towards the other blonde who was receiving affection from her boyfriend from under the tree. A slight jealously stinging at her skin as she noticed everyone else look over to her acknowledging her presence.

A influx of various greetings were spoken to the girl who continued down the steps towards the others, b-lining towards JJ and Kiara who had continued with their melting pot process although it didn't stop them from their normal sibling-like bickering.

Deciding to stick it out with her stubbornness — she placed her free hand on Kiara's shoulder, both of them watching as JJ held the blowtorch to the gold that slowly began to lose its solid state.

" morning." JJ hummed, taking a momentary break from his blowtorching — pressing his lips ag isn't Renee's as she smiled into the contact.

" the goggles are a look." Renee told her boyfriend as they pulled away from one another, JJ smirked " should I keep them after this all over?"

" oh definitely." Renee nodded her head, although slightly exaggerated. The couple grinning as a faked gag left Kiara's mouth at the exchange she was forced to listen to.

" why didn't you guys wake me up?" she asked, rubbing her eyes as she glanced at the time on her watch that just passed mid-day — it was clear they had been up for a while as they were all dressed, " I could have helped with all this."

𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇 | outerbanks¹ Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon