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002 | booty call


━━ Ren pleaded in the midst of a groan, her body weight pushed against the bannister of JohnB's front patio whilst her hand held the phone to her ear.

Renee hadn't even taken into consideration how loud she was being for however long she had been bickering with her mother on the phone. Although it couldn't be classified as bickering, considering her mom hadn't let her speak at all.

It didn't matter though: considering John B and Pope decided to leave the chateau as soon as the loud voices began, Renee didn't know where to though she wasn't really listening when they told her as they shouted with muffled voices from the opposite side of the house , she couldn't heart anything but  her mom's screechy voice from the other side of the phone.

" No! Renee there's a storm coming and I want you back home now!" Her mother's voice continued to ring through her youngest child's ear.

Night had fallen quickly on the outer banks. the town was busier when they drove back from the construction site, busier than usual for a reason the teenagers were unaware of until John B and Renee stumbled onto the weather forecast for that same evening whilst buying beer to fuel what we antics they had planned prior to the news of a storm.

Hurricane or storm Agatha or Aggie as everyone had been nicknaming it around the island, was supposed to be the worst storm to hit Carolina in years, which was saying something considering many bad storms happened each and every year.

And yes, It was understandable why Renee's mother wanted her home, she hadn't been back there in days. But she couldn't, the blonde-haired girl physically and mentally couldn't pull herself to willingly go back to the place she was supposed to call her home. Both figure eight and Her actual house felt like a foreign territory to her .

It didn't feel like a home, it was once a place she felt safe but now it was nothing but a room with only a few of her clothes in it. The rest being shared around her friends homes for when she'd stay.

" John B's going to be alone and I can't leave him alone-" the girl began to ramble, lifting the nail of her free thumb inbetween her two rows of teeth. "what If something happens, what If he needs me?"

" I really don't care about John Routledge and what he needs, if you're that concerned I can call dcs!" Her mother's voice was brittle, harsh and colder than anything Renee and heard before. It wasn't even concern that made her want Renee to come back to figure eight — if was purely control.

Renee was aware her mom never liked her friends and so were they. she despised them even, the only exceptions being Pope and Kiara but barely — she still didn't approve of them.

Whereas John B and JJ— she called them scum and no good junkie kids, sometimes even to their own faces but she always seemed to hope she'd have some sort of fake tolerance around them like Pope and Kie's parents seemed to. Yet, still no luck yet.

Renee felt her eyes well up as she bit her nail harsher purely at the emotionless person her mother truly was and especially the ability to be shouted at whiteout crying.

Her mother knew all about John B's uncle skipping out of town to god knows where and the fact he hadn't been in the banks for many months now — it slipped one night when she left her home to go and stay with John B.

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