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054 | pogue style


━━ Renee questioned, panicked. Her arms crossed over and her eyes scattering to any area that made any sort of vehicular sound.

Glancing from over JJ's shoulder as he made sure everything was ready to run on the phantom for John B's and Sarah's getaway.

It was obvious, the second it passed their three o'clock meeting time they were all going to fear the worse. Pope who was toying with some rope looked at the anxious blonde through the glass of the windscreen. " give him a second, they'll be here."

JJ gently ran his fingers along the skin of Renee's waist only momentarily as he spoke " he's coming, he'll be fine."

All four of them clocked their heads in another heavy wave of panic — a Kildare county police car pulling up in the dock area.

Their flurry of anxiousness that fuelled their sudden and erratic attempts to leave the dock on the phantom was short lived as they noticed who was exiting out the drivers side of the car.

John B exited the car that he had only recently stolen from Shoupe — he looked so casually about it be it he had much more pressing issues on his mind than gloating to his friends about stealing a cop car.

" what the actual fuck?" Renee's jaw didn't bother to hold itself together as it dropped along with the other stunned pogues.

"shoupe let me take it for a spin." the brunette shrugged the whole situation off — JJ and Renee stepped off of the boat and back onto the dock , although the blonde girl quickened her pace to hug her friend.

" that's a bunch of bullshit, but I'll buy it for now." Renee wrapped her arms around John B's shoulders inhaling in relief, " I'm just glad you're ok." Pulling away as John B nodded and acknowledged the other pogues.

" it wasn't easy bro." JJ proclaimed, standing on the side of the boat with the keys to the boat dangling from his fingers " but I got the phantom for you."

" and she runs like she was made yesterday," he finished, throwing the keys to John B who caught them.

" you ready to go?" John B looked around, being the only one not blinded by relief to notice Sarah's absence.

" where's Sarah?" He asked, turning around to look at the others who were confused,

" wait? she's not with you?" Kiara and Renee looked at each other in a slight anxiousness before John B continued.

" No, we got separated in the swamp." John B's voice was panicked, clearly detesting the idea of leaving without Sarah " she said she'd meet me here!"

" We haven't seen her." Renee sighed, her arms folding over her chest as she watched the brunette fugitive shake his head.

" okay, well I'm not leaving without her!" he proclaimed, adamant not to leave the island without his girlfriend.

" John B look at me," JJ edged closer, his words grabbing John B's attention as they both looked at eachother.

" I know you feel bad for leaving, but there's no time man!" he claimed, " you've got plenty of gas, plenty of food."

" once you get around that point, it's a straight shot across the sound to dismal swamp ok?" JJ continued to conduct him with instructions for the next couple weeks.

" once you get there, lay low all right?" he continued " hang out for a couple weeks and then go overland and then cross the boarder at Brownsville,"

Renee looked at John B who had turned his head to look at the three others who were all staring back at him — knowing this was going to be goodbye for a month or two at least.

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