𝟢𝟥𝟩, US OR HER ?

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037 | us or her?


━━ Renee told her friends,  taking the hand Pope held out for her  ( although wit much hesitation) as she too  hopped onto Mrs Crains basement foot.

Renee was fully aware this wasn't a good idea. Very very aware that this could have catastrophic effects if she caught them and even more...is she had her axe with her.

It was obvious that nothing remotely good could come out of trespassing on anyone's property, especially a elderly woman who is most well known for allegedly killing her husband.

The room looked barely used in years, cobwebs clinging with some sort of comfort to every piece of furniture that had been carelessly thrown in there over the decades she lived here, including a rainbow painted crib that was chipping that was most likely once belonging to Hollis.

Treading carefully with flash light in hand, not wanting to draw any attention to herself especially to the ears of the  woman upstairs. Although it was made more difficult at the sound of mosquitoes buzzing around her — her only free hand now swatting every inch of air that she could sense the sound was coming from.

" do you guys see any water?" Kiara asked, looking around at all her friends who continued searching for some sort of sign of any liquid. None of them being in luck as of yet.

Renee stepped towards the Pipes, following JJ's actions as she swiped her index and middle finger over the slowly rusting metal and sighed.

" there's not even water on the pipes." she told Kiara who scoffed at her friends statement. John B rolled his eyes at the brunette he couldn't see past being immature.

" there's no water here." Pope clarified, standing before everyone else who looked at him.

" not a dropamino." JJ sighed, Renee sent him a small sympathetic smile as her hand went to rest in the small of his back that he quickly leant into.

" if this water supposedly been here since what? the fourteenth century..." Renee furrowed her eyebrows as she queried to her friends " would this place be flooded by now?"

" know why we didn't find it?" Kiara concluded, looking  around to all of her friends " bad karma."

" oh god, here we go." John B groaned, realising he was going to get a second helping of the cold shoulder from Kiara.

" you know, we had a good thing going." she told him, stepping closer " and then you decided to rope in barbie and now the trails gone dry."

" coincidence?" she shook her head, pursing her lips in a 'I told you so' flat line " probably not."

The rest of the pogues stood around the basement awkwardly around — the three of them flickering eyes at one and other watching their best friends bicker once again in a silence.

" see, this is why I didn't want to tell you about Sarah." He spoke through gritted teeth to Kiara,

" what the hell's the deal with you two?" he questioned,  his questioned aim too at Renee as it was Kiara. Renee and Kiara had never spoken to the boys about their sudden break up with the Kook princess — and truthfully they never planned to.

" nothing!" Kiara said, obviously not wanting to tell him the truth that only one other person in the room knew about.

" Nothing?" John B smirked " is it because I kissed you, is that the problem?"

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