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033 | angel


 ̄ ̄without their accompanying pogues, Kiara and Renee spent the entirety of the night flickering between activities of distracting Pope via scurrying over to the Heyward's area for the maximum of three minutes before Heyward would have to shoo the two girls off leaving them in yet another swirl of boredom — especially as the bus boy had been caught sneaking the underage girls drinks, if not by the consistency of his movement to table at the back where they resided. It was the multitude of twenty dollar bills that fell from his jacket pocket.

" maybe we should just....dance?" Renee hesitantly let the words tumble out of her mouth, hesitant as the whole plan she and Kiara had concocted for the night on the ride here was to look miserable with the intent of revolting against their set of extremely kook parents.

" are you kidding?" Kiara sighed, turning to her look at her friend who shrugged her shoulders in reply.

" I mean, this summer was meant to be fun for gods sakes we've been looking forward to it since we went back to school after last summer." Renee spoke in a breath, earning a small snigger from Kiara.

" and what's happened?" she scoffed titling her head upwards " we've been in multiple life threatening situations, committed multiple criminal offences and I have barely gotten to surf or spend any time at the beach!"

it was still getting on her nerves, after dedicating the last two weeks to a gold hunt that had concluded to getting nowhere and left her boyfriend in the county jail and her best friend off the radar for almost two days.

" not exactly spending all night on the beach and attempting to teach the boys how to braid our hair." Kiara stifled a laugh, reminiscing on the summer nights drinking whilst the girls loosing themselves in fits of laughter at the aggravation the boys developed as they failed to braid.

" oh yeah, key word attempting." Renee chuckled, her heart wrenching at the times JJ would wake her by his gentle tugs of her hair as he seemed to practise braiding whilst she was fast asleep.

Kiara huffed and stood straight up, Renee looked at her oddly before noticing her extension of a hand, her eyes glancing from Kiara to her hand — an expression of confusion painted on her face

" oh for godsakes!" Kiara groaned " do you want to dance or not?"

A giddy feeling built up in renee as she took her best friends hand and was pulled closer into her. Renee's arms hanging over Kiara's shoulders whilst Kiara placed her slightly shaking hands on her waist.

Nervous shudders running through Kiara whilst they both swayed to the music — staying on the porch to avoid a run in with any certain ex-best friends of there's who was currently twirling around on the designated dance floor.

JJ watched the two girls from afar — his lips curving at the familiar 'o' shape Renee's mouth made when she laughed and the same way her eyes would light up as she smiled. He could sense the familiarity of the laugh he loved so much even from across the other side of the party.

The feeling of hands grasp the white shirt over his waist coat sent the blonde into fight or flight mode. Beginning to throw his hands around until the person spoke.

"Hey." Pope spoke lowly, beginning to pull JJ to the side and towards the grill he had been working behind all night.

" dude, don't sneak up on me like that right now." Pope pushed him back a little although it didn't take long his his long arms to wrap around JJ in a tight bear hug.

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