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038 | locking the window


━━Kiara mumbled, leaning her head against the wooden beam of the dock.

Both girls had left in a storm of rage caused by john B's plan to bring Sarah Cameron into the hunt for the royal merchant gold.

Tears were continuing their slow stream down Kiara's cheeks, unlike Renee who had somehow managed to keep them welded in her eyes. she had her gaze steadied on the easing of the ocean, knowing if she were to look at the state of Kie she would most likely break down too.

She squeezed their hands that were intertwined together, her heart aching in her chest from the sniffles coming from Kiara.

" I know."  Renee sighed, knowing it was the truth too" God, he's a idiot for trusting her."Kiara just stifled a pitiful laugh.

" and to think we were those idiots once upon a time." She spoke, letting a harsh breath escape her lips — neither of them had spoken about their break up with Sarah either, it was like a subject that both were too scared to resurface.

" doesn't she think we suffered enough?" Renee mumbled, wiping her nose as she sadly laughed " I mean..my dad died, I lost my best friend and had to start a completely different life all in the span of six months."

" I was grieving and she just left me...and soon everyone else followed behind her." Renee told Kiara, who she hadn't yet told. Renee didn't let anyone know about the extent of her falling out with Sarah.

" that's why you came here isn't it?" Kiara asked gently, " to JohnB's, when big John found you asleep on the sofa after your dads death?"

Earning a Curt nod from the blonde.

" I had no one else."

Renee turned her head at the silence overcoming the two girls again with her lash words floated in the air. noticing Pope and JJ wandering down the dock and heading in their direction.

The blonde boys eyes were glued onto Renee, a pit burrowing in his stomach at the paleness of her face, she attempted a smile towards her boyfriend, yet it was obvious it was an artificial way to project her fake alright-ness.

" go." Kiara mumbled, noticing the glances between Renee and JJ " I'll be fine."

The girl crawled towards Kiara, wrapping her arms around her best friends waist briefly, pressing her lips into her makeup bare cheek.

"love you." she said lowly, making a tiny glimpse of a smile turning on Kiara's lips as she nodded.

Ren pulled away before standing up — her natural instinct to look for her backpack which she was currently unaware was lying in on the front porch by JJ's bag.

" it's on the front porch." JJ spoke up, Renee looked up to caught up in her emotions to even notice that he had approached her.

Renee nodded and followed JJ from the dock, it took had taken him little to no time to sling his arm over her shoulder, their fingers intertwined whilst JJ's fingers fumbled with his rings that his girlfriend had placed on her own — hovering to pull her in closer and kiss her head.

𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇 | outerbanks¹ Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora