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031 | the truth


━━ The police officer on the opposite side of the desk called out in a sterner tone as Renee continued to shake her head.

" I really don't see what the problem is, I have money to cover his bail why the hell won't you let me bail him out!" her voice was rougher as she continued to persist.

" because as I've already said." the woman become more aggressive at the blonde " you're not his parent or his guardian and you're still a minor meaning you can't bail him out either way."

Renee swallows dryly as the woman continued " we have contacted his father and he is on his way." The words the officer hoped the teenager would find comfort in didn't exactly work.

" no, you can't tell him!" she panicked.

She couldn't trust JJ's father, knowing he would cause more pain and problems than he would solve, especially with JJ's mom being out of the picture and as much as JJ was be tormented by his father and hated living in that house, he still managed to find some love for the monster that was Luke Maybank — and Renee thought that was one of the worst parts of it all.

Renee had only had only ever had one encounter with Luke Maybank. it was one of the first times JJ had confided  in her about what had happened instead of his overused excuse of a 'surfing accident' — it was also one of the only times Renee had ever been to JJ's house in the years of knowing him. Although after she managed to comfort him it was sweet enough. Her attempts of cheering him was turning his bedroom into a hot box and made pieces of beaded jewellery for each other.

Although it ended up with Renee escaping out JJ's window and running back home before Luke could even realise that she had ever been there — although he must not have approved of her cheering up techniques as the next time she saw JJ he had even newer cuts and grazes.

" now miss, would you like me to call someone to pick you up?" She asked, beginning to tap her fingers against the keyboard.

Renee shook her head at her question, " please, can't I at least know what he's facing, jail time? community service, probation?" her tone coming out as a plead as she placed her palms on the desk — her tone calmer.

" please, he's my boyfriend...and he's a good guy I just want to know what he's looking at."

" I'm sorry." as the words left the officers mouth, Renee nodded, plastering a fake smile on her face.

" yeah, thanks for all your help." the sarcasm of her words almost dripping off of her tongue, turning her body around and heading out of the station. Her fingers tasseling in her hair as she let the urge to let out a deep groan as passers by looked at her in a strange manner before continuing.

Although as she let her eyes settle on the sun that had just began setting — she found some sort of peace. Although right now her life was nothing but chaos and confusion — with being in the midst of a treasure hunt, not being on her best terms with her mom, brother and now even John B.

The only thing that felt a certainty was JJ and now she couldn't even see him and probably wouldn't see him for at least twenty four hours and hopefully not any longer. But not much hope seemed to exist right now.

Driving home — Renee chose silence as her rampaging thoughts about almost everything decided to make noise. Occasionally having to rub her fingers on her tremble at stop signs to try and ease her brain — her breaths unsteady not helping as she pulled into the drive and both her brothers and moms cars were also there.

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