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044 | the cats ass


━━ Drawing up enough energy to smile weakly, running her hand over her hair, looking to Kiara and Sarah who still seemed slightly on edge, even more so realising neither her mom or brother were home yet.

" are you sure you don't want us to stay with you?" Kiara asked, receiving a shake of the head from the blonde " at least until someone comes back."

" guys, I'm fine seriously." Her lies spoken through fake laughter didn't deceive her friends who had known her too long to be oblivious to the truth — especially as the tears dried into her skin made the unders of her eyes glisten and the redness of her nose compared to the paleness of her face.

" it's probably good I'll be alone, give me enough time to just..think." she told them — Grabbing her backpack, she got up and and got out of the van — her feet planting on the gravel of the U-shaped drive that ran from each side of the walled entrance into the house estate.

" hey, I'll swing by the chateau later to help you with that planning." she told them, lifting her fingers to salute them as she began to walk away and towards the front door.

As soon as the front door closed behind her, she felt an overwhelming sense of numbness filled her. The smile falling off of her face once she knew no one was there watching her. Kicking off her sneakers that lazily sat by the rack of neatly placed and clean shoes that she simply lacked the energy to put there.

The house was silent, with her mom most likely lounging around at the country club after her weekly catch-up with the others moms in the neighbourhood and Lennon wherever he was — she was alone...again.

She hated the way her sweat covered clothes stuck to her skin, the grime that covered her skin — she jogged upstairs to the second floor where her bedroom door remained firmly closed, although Renee had no doubt in her mind that her mother had been searching around for something to ground her daughter with.

Entering the bedroom, the balcony doors were open filling the room with cold air that eased the high tensions in Renee's mind as she headed towards the dresser. Littered with memories: beaded bracelets, film stubs from the local theatre, photos either encased that sat on the dresser itself for the photos just bluetacked onto the edges of the mirror on the wall behind it.

That ache in her chest grew as her eyes fell to the particular photo frame that sat usually unnoticed amongst the clutter that surrounded it.

It was a picture of her and JJ, it was from one of the first parties that John B held at the chateau after she had joined the pouges (officially) . She remembered the night so vividly — from her and Pope bonding over  the original starwars trilogy to the pit of jealously that had burrowed itself deep unknowingly in Renee's stomach when she caught herself watching JJ make out with Candice Nolton on the front porch.

They both looked so happy, although at the time they had both pretended it was forced by Kiara's dedication to making a summer scrapbook of memories was then becoming tedious — she could remember the shivers down her spine when he first looped his arm around the lower end of her back and the way it felt hearing JJ's pulse race against her skin as she leant her head on his shoulder or even the way she laughed when he whispered in her ear whilst Kiara was bickering at them to be quiet and look at the camera.

It was the start of them falling in love and they didn't even realise it.

She raised her fingers, grabbing ahold of the frame
staring at it for a few more seconds and then placing it face down against the cabinet. Before tearing her eyes back to searching for clothes, although the memory of that night lingered in the back of her mind.

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