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015 | a bit sus


━━ Twiddling her thumbs, differing her mind from rethinking about the past events by trying to get the mud from the rooster hut that was embedded under her nails out. But it wasn't working.

The only noise she had made for the past ten to fifteen minutes was an occasional loud exhale from when she was too caught up in her own thoughts to actually remember to breathe.

JJ sat opposite her, keeping his eyes trained on her and her very closed off body language. He wanted to do something to help, he wanted to do anything to help. But he didn't know how. it wasn't a everyday thing when your friends house gets invaded by the same two guys who shot at you (with the intention to kill) the day before.

There was no book he could buy from the Kildare book-nook in town in an attempt to survive this summer that was summoned from hell.

Pope flickered his eyes awkwardly around the van, normally would have been taking part in JJ and Renee's antics, but now he was just stuck stiffly in his seat with the same closed off language as the blonde girl he sat next to.

Renee just wanted to go home. Which was a rare thought that would ever graze her mind or she was speak out, but she did.

But not because she actually wanted to be there and to be comforted by her mother or even her older brother. Instead, because the only other place she had ever thought of as being her home was the place were all her rules and violations were just broken. It didn't feel like much of a home or even a safe place to be anymore.

But Renee also wanted John B to quote on quote 'shut the fuck up' about this compass business. Renee was positive is was cursed with island voodoo magic or something like that.

" why am I not surprised we're not currently driving to the police station right now?" all other conversation was  silenced as Renee spoke actual put together words for the first time in almost a half hour.

JJ felt a smile tug at his lips, smirking at the sarcastic nature he was still glad Renee had.

" you get use to their idiocy after a few years." Pope's told her from his seat. she hummed in agreement. Pushing her head back to rest against the window.

her attention quickly deferred from their surroundings as they were driving by and back to the blonde boy who sat opposite her. A look of offence covered on his face, a tinge of annoyance to the fact that Renee had agreed with Pope about them all being idiots.

" was he wrong though?" Renee began to tease, popping her lip out jokingly. Shuffling her foot over to sit by JJ's. A silent reconciliation of sorts.

JJ just turned his head to look out the window, still curious on where John B was driving them, the same thought being shared amongst the rest of them. Renee hadn't ever remembered driving down these roads or even being driven down them before.

Although it was a pleasant view from the van window. The sun peaking up from behind the trees but still gentle outlines of light presenting themselves on her knees and thighs giving her warmth as they leaked through the windows of the van.

" hey, JB. Where are we going?" she shifted her body to the left slightly, peering her eyes into the small gap between the two front seats where JohnB and Kiara sat.

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