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━━Renee spoke unable to hide her disgust, walking out of the bathroom greeted by the view of JJ spreading peanut butter against two pieces of moulded bread.

He replied with a simple shrug whilst she rolled her eyes " I just pull off the bad parts, and anyways mole is good for you, it's just a natural organism." JJ defended himself whilst the other blonde seemed to ignore him and glide past to the empty seat at the dining table.

The only light they had was the horde of candles and flashlights in an abundance on the table. Renee looked at John B who hadn't tore his eyes off of the package ever since he sat down five minutes ago.

" JJ!" Kiara called after him, becoming impatient with how tedious this whole thing was getting.

" yup, yup, yup-" he spoke, jogging towards the table, his left hand clutching the expired sandwich and the other sitting on the stem of the chair Renee was currently lounged on.

" hot damn, let's do it." JJ said as if he were giving permission for JohnB to open the parcel.

Renee leant forward, pulling her leg up to the chair which rested her chin on her knee. She was soon greeted by the sandwich in her eye view, her face screwed up, turning her head to look at jj.

" you want a bite?" he offered sweetly, smiling as she just shook her head deciding to be sweet about it.

" I'm good, thanks though blondie." she was relieved when a butt hurt expression didn't graze over his face but instead he took a bite himself.

Renee tinged and felt as if small legs were crawling up her skin as she watched JJ take a bite of it.

But laughter stifled through the air as JJ gagged, marching towards the nearest bin to put the so called sandwich in. Renee found the amusement leave her after she turned back around and looked at the labelled map John B had just presented them with.

" holy shit." John B mumbled, inspecting his eyes to where everything was and what exactly it meant.

Renee pushed herself forward, pressing her finger against the small 'x' in thick boardmarker.

" x marks the spot."

The rest peered over John B and Renee's shoulder, not all being so gifted in the reading of maps so had instead agreed on relying on Renee and John B to help them understand what was going on.

" Longitude and Latitude." John traced his fingers over the map in certain places, moving his hand to push the parcel away from the map.

The weight wasn't as light as air as he expected it to be " wait, there's something else in there." John B once again reached into the bag.

Only this time pulling out a black tape recorder, something Renee hadn't seen outside of a 90s film.

The Pogue's turned each of their heads to look at each other with wide eyes minus the brunette boy who had once again intently started on the item.

" what is that?" JJ asked, dumbfounded to what the others were thinking about.

Before Renee could open her mouth to tell him,  Kiara sniped in " it's a tape recorder dumbass!" her tone was almost annoyance, unexplainable annoyance at that.

Renee along with the rest of them decided to ignore Kiara's attitude — blaming it on the heaviness of her eyes similar to everyone else who seemed to be impatiently waiting for the appropriate time to fall asleep. which Renee had already broken considering she had been asleep on John B's shoulder the entire way back to the chateau.

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